Africa Reward Association – Zambia, commonly referred to as ARA Zambia, is a chapter of the South Africa Reward Association (SARA). ARA Zambia was formed with the main objective of promoting, developing and empowering the reward profession and practices in Zambia and to ensure that the reward specialists and managers, human resource professionals and executives dealing with and responsible for reward management have the skills, confidence and passion for the reward discipline to make a significant difference in the way organizations position themselves to achieve their strategic objectives.
We seek to achieve this by:
a) encouraging, disseminating and promoting knowledge, education and training in respect of total reward matters relating to or connected with the reward
b) providing reward management developmental and networking opportunities and resources to members;
c) providing a framework of professional reward designations and professional support facilities through the South African Reward
Association; and
d) partnering and supporting the efforts of other associations and institutes with compatible goals.
The Executive Committee of ARA Zambia for the 2016 calendar year consists of the following chapter committee members:
President – Thomas Banda (Barclays Bank Zambia Plc.)
Secretary – Ompie Shandavu (Airtel Zambia)
Treasurer – Mercy Jere (Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services)
Other Committee members
Belinda Muyawala (CEC Africa Services)
Abigail Lungu Moono (Pensions and Insurance Authority)
Clement Chipungu (Vision Care)
Fuedays Matipa (FQML Kalumbila Minerals Ltd)
Doris Sakupwaya (World Bicycle Relief)
Kelvin Sokuni (KSM Management Consultants)
Martin Mutale (Belina Payroll)
For further details, see:
Membership Benefits and Costs
For further information on ARA Zambia activities contact us on:
Office: +27(0) 11-061-5000
Mobile: +260950692493
Postal: P.O. BOX 35883, Lusaka Zambia
The Africa Reward Association - Zambia Chapter (or ARA Zambia) is a chapter of the South African Reward Association (SARA), and registered as a society under the Zambian Societies Act (section 7 (2) Cap 119).